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David the chosen oneDavid the chosen one (by JC)David the chosen one,God chose him for he is little.David the little one,little but with a brave heart.He fought with the lions to protect his flock.He fought with the giant to protect his town folks.He fought with the enemy to protect his kingdom.God chose him to bring forth His kingdom.David the chosen one,God chose him for his passion.David the passionate one,passionate with a warm heart.passion for his wives,passion for his children,passion for his foes,and above allpassion for the Lord.God chose him to bring forth His Passion ---- Jesus.David the chosen one,God chose him for he is common like us.David the common one,common but with a true heart He humbled himself before King Saul.He rejoiced and danced naked for the Lord.He sinned but he repented.He wept without ceasing when he walked bare footto Mountain Olives where many will follow and see thatWe are the chosen ones, too.God chose us to bring forth His Good News,His Passion, and His kingdom.大衛小時候為人放羊神派先知納堂 Nathan 到他家撿選[受傅者] (未來的國王)幾個高大英俊的哥哥都未被選上最後選中還在外頭放羊的小大衛大衛被派去服侍掃錄 Saul 憑著琴藝 (豎琴) , 受掃錄寵愛後來巨人 Goliath 與以色列人作戰大衛竟然自告奮勇, 單身迎敵尚未發育完全的他, 脫去笨重的盔甲只帶著彈弓上陣巨人哈哈大笑, 以色列居然派出乳臭未乾的小子應戰結果大衛使出與狼搏鬥的看家本領打中巨人要害, 當場斃命敵人不戰而退, 大衛成為英雄後來更成為統一以色列的第一位國王他也是耶穌的祖先亨利. 摩爾 雕像作品



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